Thank you for choosing J.Guillem as your ride of choice; we hope you have many happy miles of riding together. To make sure that your frame is protected by our 100 year warranty, you now need to follow our simple registration process. (If you bought your frame from us, your warranty is already activated)

Please make sure you have read and understood the J.Guillem Warranty, which you’ll find by clicking the 'Warranty Information' link below. Then, check the Warranty box and enter the serial number of your new frame (on the underside of the frame near the bottom bracket or on your invoice).

You’ll be asked to enter some more information before submitting your completed Frame and Warranty Registration

On receipt, we’ll send you an email confirming that your warranty is now in force. If you have any questions or do not receive your email confirmation, please contact us via email at or call us at +31(0)186685941

To help us better understand our customers and in the interests of making sure J.Guillem remains relevant to you, please complete this mini questionnaire.

Rest assured, we respect your privacy and therefore guarantee that we will share none of this data with another party, nor use it for anything other than informing the research and development of our own products.